Xerochrysum Mohave®
The Mohave® series offers a wide range of colors, is particularly robust and has a compact growth habit.

Apricot '23 KLEBB22090

Basket Yellow KLEBA04075

Dark Red KLEBB16011

Fire Red KLEBB22100

Pink '25 KLEBB24114

Purple Red KLEBB16014

White '24 KLEBB22108

Yellow KLEBB08392
Marketing concept
Sales promotion material

Nature Garden
Insect-friendly plants are high in demand! Our concept Nature Garden offers you a colourful collection of our assortment, which is beloved by insects. Find suitable POS material here to promote this important topic.

Different sizes and languages – price depending on the size and the order quantity.
Price example: 100 posters (A2 420x594mm): 81,70 EUR (incl. standard dispatch to France).
Marketing Selecta one
Telephone +49 711 95325-0

Price sticking label 21,70 / 1.000 labels
Price hanging labels depending on order quantity
Hatice Sahin, Floramedia Germany
Telephone +49 711 518582-27

Price depending on the order quantity.
Contact TEKU:
Dirk Moormann, Pöppelmann-TEKU
Telephone +49 4442 982-1602
Contact Desch:
Werner van de Mosselaar, Desch
Telephone +31 416 562 425

Planta Morgana - drought tolerant varieties
Summers are becoming drier and hotter all the time. Demand is growing for flowering plants that can thrive in these altered conditions. And so we have developed a new concept: Planta Morgana.
It shows a desert landscape with a camel that, thanks to its reserves of water, can cope very well in this challenging environment.
Many plants, such as Delosperma and Portulaca, have similar water reserves in their thickened flowers, allowing them to manage drought particularly well. Other plants, such as Helichrysum, have very hairy surfaces that reduce evaporation on the surface of their foliage.
The green oasis in our Planta Morgana concept highlights varieties that performed especially well in drought tolerance tests. Many different Selecta varieties were tested at the State Horticultural College and Research Institute in Heidelberg. The plants were given 50% of their ideal water supply throughout the summer. The table below lists selected varieties included in the test that were deemed to have performed well or very well based on external appearance and wilting.
We will continue to test our product ranges so that we can recommend the best varieties according to the latest, well-founded results. In future, the attractive Planta Morgana concept can be used in combination with our drought-tolerant varieties to communicate and advertise at the point of sale.

Different sizes and languages – price depending on the size and the order quantity.
Price example: 100 posters (A2 420x594mm): 81,70 EUR (incl. standard dispatch to France).
Marketing Selecta one
Telephone +49 711 95325-0

RollUp Display / PVC-Banner
Different sizes and languages – price depending on the size and the order quantity.
Price example: 1 RollUp 100x200cm: 73,89 EUR (incl. standard dispatch to France).
Marketing Selecta one
Telephone +49 711 95325-0