Marketing concept
Sales promotion material

Wild, colourful and unusual! Fancy Francy, the lovably crazy cockatoo with his bright personality and unmistakable feathers, is eye-catching, puts us in a good mood and transports us to a tropical world. It embodies the lightness of summer. The sight of the Calibrachoa Fancy Francy evokes exactly that feeling that all of us know in summer - a feeling of freedom and light-heartedness! The charming and eye-catching variety delights with an interesting play of colours of a special kind: from the yellow flower centre, the multicoloured flower edges change from intense pink to rose and white with rising temperatures and high light intensity.

Price depends on quantity ordered.
Marketing Selecta one

Different sizes and languages – price depending on the size and the order quantity.
Marketing Selecta one

Different sizes and languages – price depending on the size and the order quantity.
Marketing Selecta one