Being hardy the Diantica® varieties are very well-suited for potting in autumn and for early sales in the following year. The beautiful, scented flowers bring a romantic flair to every garden. Due to their hardiness the Diantica® varieties can be produced outdoor with a sales period between April and May depending on weather conditions. Sales in combination with early spring crops are possible with a cold indoor production. The varieties can furthermore be produced in summer for sales in late summer and autumn.

Burgundy Ice KLEDG23508

Coral Granita KLEDG23495

Magenta KLEDG19303

Neon Flush! KLEDG22448

Orchid KLEDG10119

Pure White KLEDG24556

Purple Max GLADG23496

Raspberry Cream KLEDG13158

Red Moment KLEDG24478

Soft Cream KLEDG20339

Strawberry Cream KLEDG15176

Velvet KLEDG13160
Violet Blue KLEDG20336