Dalaya® Meena
We have restructured our dahlia range. The current Dalina® assortment is completely integrated into the Dalaya® umbrella brand with the proven Mini, Midi and Maxi series and the well-known varieties.

Ajala KLEDH22563

Amal KLEDH24695

Amba KLEDH18010

Arany KLEDH20121

Aruna KLEDH18119

Desna KLEDH24716

Goa KLEDH18110

Himal KLEDH24733

Indira KLEDH24725

Jadoo KLEDH15076

Kailua KLEDH24691

Nanda KLEDH24735
Ravi KLEDH22140

Saira KLEDH23682
Sanya KLEDH20215

Shari KLEDH10032

Shiva KLEDH13033

Suna´17 KLEDH17008

Surya KLEDH24740

Yogi KLEDH11031

Yuva KLEDH18122

Zarina KLEDH24724
Marketing concept
Sales promotion material

Insect-friendly plants are high in demand! Our concept Nature Garden offers you a colourful collection of our assortment, which is beloved by insects. Find suitable POS material here to promote this important topic.

Different sizes and languages – price depending on the size and the order quantity.
Marketing Selecta one

Sticking label and hanging labels
price depending on order quantity
Hatice Sahin, Floramedia Germany
Telephone +49 711 518582-27

Roll-Up display/PVC banner
Different sizes and languages – price depending on the size and the order quantity.
Marketing Selecta one

Price depending on the order quantity.
Contact TEKU:
Dirk Moormann, Pöppelmann-TEKU
Telephone +49 4442 982-1602
Contact Desch:
Werner van de Mosselaar, Desch
Telephone +31 416 562 425