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Apprenticeships at Selecta one

Are you looking for an exciting start to your career? 
An apprenticeship with a long-term perspective in an internationally successful family business? 
Then we are your perfect fit.

we love to grow® – to start your career, we offer an environment in which you can grow personally and professionally. Your trainers and many motivated and experienced colleagues will support you from the very beginning until the successful completion of your apprenticeship. Hence, we offer daily mentoring, internal and external trainings as well as exam preparation courses.

Apprenticeship offers

Stuttgart Laboratory & Breeding Full-time August 2025

Contact person: Denise Uhlendahl

Pflanzentechnologe / Pflanzentechnologin

Stuttgart Production Full-time September 2025

Contact person: Denise Uhlendahl

Gärtner / Gärtnerin - Fachrichtung Zierpflanzenbau

Stuttgart Commercial Area Full-time September 2025

Contact person: Karen Sander

Kaufmann-/frau für Büromanagement

Stuttgart Logistik & Supply Chain Management Full-time September 2026

Contact person: Karen Sander

Kaufmann-/frau für Spedition & Logistikdienstleistungen

After completing your apprenticeship, you have several national and international opportunities within the Selecta one group. Anyone with commitment and talent can apply for various positions in commercial areas, in the laboratory, in breeding or young plants production. We train you to grow with us in the long run!


What does a detailed application for Selecta one look like?

  • A short cover letter: motivation, salary expectations and possible starting date.
  • Tabular Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Certificates, transcripts of records, references

What happens with your application documents? What is our application procedure?

  1. The HR department reviews your application. 
  2. Suitable applications are forwarded to the respective department (duration: 2-4 weeks).  You will then be contacted or given feedback by the HR department.
  3. We delete your personal data six months after the end of the application process.


Felix Bollacher
Director HR
Tel. 0711 / 953 25 - 249
Denise Uhlendahl
HR Business Partner
Tel. 0711 / 953 25 - 944
Karen Sander
Junior HR Business Partner
Tel. 0711 / 953 25 - 910