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About us

Selecta one

The Selecta Group is a world-leader in breeding, growing, and marketing of innovative plants both ornamental and functional. Our breeding activities comprise bedding and balcony plants, houseplants, perennials and cut flowers. With production sites and sales offices spanning Europe, Africa, Asia, and America, we serve all relevant markets worldwide.

Our promise
Our motto

Over generations, the Selecta name has become renowned for innovative breeding and outstanding quality in the young plant sector. Since our company was founded in 1932, we have been a reliable supplier and partner to the horticulture trade. Our products are the foundation of a diverse and exciting range of plants and brands that group together to inspire and add value across all levels of the supply chain. Together with our customers and partners, we aim to make the world greener and brighter for everyone.

We are constantly developing a sustainable, future-oriented assortment for our customers. Our products and concepts promise to meet the needs of production, delivering quality for the industry. We place the highest value in reliability, excellent service and responsibility towards the environment, our employees, our customers, and cooperation partners.

we Iove to grow® 

This commitment unites everyone across our company. Throughout the team, everyone brings their own enthusiasm for breeding, production, and marketing of innovative plants. A global team that grows together. With determination. With understanding. And with heart.

Our values


Trusted family brand 

We are a third-generation family business. Our work is characterised as open and down-to-earth. Our customers and partners can rely on us, and we work together with respect and trust. Our collective success is based on partnership, joint development, and constant progress. We place great importance on maintaining and expanding our decades-old customer relationships.  


Internationally connected expertise

Our group of companies is made up of independent sales and production locations spread across the globe. Our international team provide a shared strength. Our actions are shaped by professional experience and valuable knowledge in all areas of breeding and development, production, supply chain, sales, marketing, and administration.


Sustainable and quality-conscious 

We see ourselves as part of the big picture. We are committed to protecting our planet. As one of many global players, we want to make a sustainable difference in our dealings with the environment, our employees, and our customers. Quality in product and process are at the top of our agenda. Our sites and products are certified to international standards in environment, quality, and social compliance.


Innovative and passionate 

As a breeder, and hence the first link in the supply chain, we communicate with all levels of the trade to understand the market and react efficiently to changes. We are responsive to the needs of our customers, constantly developing our range with an eye on the latest trends. Our work is focused on developing future-proof products and fresh concepts with added value. In these ways, we help shape the evolution of the green sector – with determination, with understanding, and with heart. 

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Cut Flowers

In addition to bedding and balcony plants, houseplants and perennials, we also offer cut flowers.

You can find out more about our wide range of products here.

Find out more


  1. Innovative sustainable propagation system

    Selecta is launching a ground-breaking innovation: RCS 2.0. This is a propagation system in which cuttings are rooted offshore in special, biodegradable paper bags using little energy – and without any substrate.

  2. 2024
    Strengthening the breeding programme

    The acquisition of Moraglia Breeding (IT) and Whetman Plants International (UK) strengthens Selecta's carnation breeding and thus our claim to be number one in Dianthus worldwide.

  3. Pink Your Garden

    We are breaking new ground with our new consumer marketing campaign for Pink Kisses. The twin sisters Jojo & Linn take over our social media channels and we follow how their garden becomes a pink oasis with Pink Kisses - true to the motto Pink your Garden.

  4. 2023
    Plants of the future

    The Selecta Marketing concepts Planta Morgana and Nature Garden serve the most topical trends such as heat-resistant, drought-tolerant, and insect-friendly plants

  5. New Imagefilm

    Selecta provides an authentic, holistic and emotional insight into the company with a focus on the successful Pink Kisses® carnation.

  6. 2022
    New web presence

    2022 has begun with the relaunch of the new Selecta one website. Fresher, more user-friendly, modern and of course responsive on all devices.

  7. Selecta Flower Technology Hangzhou Co. officially registered in China

    After many years of operating in China, Selecta was officially registered as Selecta Flower Technology Hangzhou Co. on 1 June 2021.

  8. 2020
    Webshop launch

    Selecta one launches webshop and thus offers its customers for the first time the possibility to view and order the entire Selecta range online.

  9. Expansion of the management board

    With effect from 1 April 2019 our management board has been extended by an independent Research + Development (R+D) department. Dr. Andrea Dohm has accepted the appointment and expands the management board.

  10. 2019
    Acquisition of La Villetta s.r.l.

    After a long partnership and trustful cooperation with La Villetta s.r.l. – one of the most innovative Italian firms that operates in the breeding, production and marketing of new varieties of carnation – we acquired their business including the complete breeding program as well as La Villetta Colombia Ltda. located in Colombia.

  11. Complete integration of Selecta France S.A.S into the company group

    We strengthen our presence on the French market by taking over the shares held by Challet-Hérault in the Selecta France S.A.S. joint venture, since its creation in 2017. This is the culmination of the integration process of the young plant business of Challet-Hérault in the Selecta one group.

  12. 2018
    TASPO Award 2018 for the Pink Kisses® campaign

    We won the TASPO Award 2018 for our Pink Kisses campaign in the category “best offer for the next generation”! In 2017, we took a new approach with our Pink Kisses sales strategy. Instead of focussing purely on B2B marketing aimed at gardeners and resellers, we directly targeted end consumers for the first time, with our nationwide "Pink Kisses® – as beautiful as our friendship" campaign.

  13. Purple Sun wins FleuroStar Award

    Our Osteospermum Purple Sun could convince the judges in the Fleuroselect contest and has been awarded with the FleuroStar 2018/2019. Therewith, we won the coveted award for the variety with the 'wow' effect at point of sale for the second year in a row. Like the summer sun setting over the ocean, such is the colour play of our Osteospermum Purple Sun from the FlowerPower® line. Several shades of orange fade into a deep purple ring that surrounds the heart of the flower. Characteristics are the good branching and the easily controllable plant habit.

  14. 2018
    Acquisition of the Kalanchoe breeding from Topcolor Breeding vof

    Going in line with the strategic extension of our product portfolio pot plants, we have acquired the assortment and breeding program of Topcolor Breeding vof, Holland. The genetic diversity of Topcolor´s breeding is highly interesting. The large gene pool will help us to develop the assortment program further to launch new attractive products into our worldwide markets.

  15. Start of the project for fair Poinsettias

    Since 2016, we supply Fairtrade certified young plants to our Poinsettia growers besides conventional ones. All our Poinsettias are sourced from Wagagai Ltd. in Uganda. In September 2017, we launched a project together with our cutting farm Wagagai Ltd. and Fairtrade to improve the wages of the employees: both partners will in the future refrain from placing certification costs and marketing costs of the Poinsettias on the selling price. By adding just a few cents to the price of the fairly traded cuttings a significant bonus can be generated on the back of the volume of Fairtrade sales. The bonus flows directly into Fairtrade bonus fund for the workers. This is true not only for 2017, but for every Poinsettia season.

  16. 2017
    PinkTastic® wins the Fleurostar Award

    Our double flowering Calibrachoa PinkTastic® could convince the judges during the FlowerTrials® and has been awarded with the FleuroStar 2017/2018. PinkTastic® truly catches the eye thanks to two bicoloured pink-white circles of inner petals in each flower, which add to an in-depth colour perception. This excellent summer performer enjoys all the benefits of the MiniFamous® series.

  17. Selecta France - new subsidiary in the Selecta Group

    Selecta one has launched a new member in the Selecta one group. Selecta France is a joint venture between Selecta one and Challet-Hérault, best-known in France and a young plant and breeding company for 125 years. With this step we want to create a strong, independent and family owned and managed young plant supplier based in the heart of France.

  18. 2017
    Pink Kisses® communication campaign

    For the first time Selecta one is launching a communication campaign directly aimed at the end-consumer in Germany. The campaign with the slogan “Pink Kisses® – as beautiful as our friendship” is aimed to the target group of young women aged 18 to 35.

  19. Opening of the new site Selecta Hellas

    The new production site Selecta Hellas is taking over the supply of young plants into the Italian market. It is located in Chrysoupoli, Greece, near the seaport Kavala and strategically perfectly nestled into the plains of Chrysoupoli

  20. 2015
    Night Sky wins the FleuroStar Award

    The Petunia Night Sky wins the FleuroStar Award. The variety is characterized by a completely new and unique, spotted color pattern.

  21. Per and Nils Klemm take over all company shares

    The family members Per and Nils Klemm take over all company shares.

  22. 2014
    Certification of both Southern locations

    Construction of a modern laboratory and office building in Stuttgart. Certification of both Southern locations Wagagai and Selecta Kenya with MPS-A, MPS GAP and MPS Socially Qualified.

  23. Taspo Awards as “breeding of the year”

    Selecta wins again the Taspo Awards with the new Calceolaria Calynopsis® as “breeding of the year”. Selecta Klemm completes a new trial greenhouse with 2500 m².

  24. 2011
    Medal of Excellence awards, Selecta Japan Ltd. is founded in Kyoto, achieve the Naktuinbouw Elite

    Double flowering Osteospermum, introduced in the USA under the name 3D Osteospermum, win the Medal of Excellence awards in two categories (Industry's Choice Award und Editor's Choice Award). Selecta Japan Ltd. is founded in Kyoto. Selecta Klemm in Stuttgart and Selecta Canarias, our production location on Tenerife, achieve the Naktuinbouw Elite certification.

  25. Launch of the labels “Clean Plant Guarantee” and “Fair First!”

    New construction of greenhouses specialized for the production of Solanacea and SEE at our production site in Tenerife. Introduction of the worldwide first Osteospermum varieties with double flowers. The cut flower assortment has been enlarged by the species Gypsophila. The patent protection in the USA for the methods for breeding Calibrachoa plants having double flowers got approved. Launch of the labels “Clean Plant Guarantee” and “Fair First!” as a result of being successfully certified according to the standars of MPS-Socially Qualified and MPS-GAP.

  26. 2009
    Agreement with the U.S. market

    Agreement with the U.S. market leader Ball Horticulture regarding an exclusive partnership for the North American market in the area of ornamental plants. The function of the US distribution company is taken over by Ball. The location in Tenerife focuses on Solanaceae. This specialisation offers our customers considerable surpluses.

  27. Foundation of Selecta Colombia Ltda.

    Foundation of Selecta Colombia Ltda., a subsidiary of Selecta Cut Flowers. Customer contacts and service are optimised with this establishment. Furthermore, additional expansions in one of the world’s most significant cut flower markets are actively promoted.

  28. 2007
    Joint venture with Wagagai Ltd. in Uganda begins

    Joint venture with Wagagai Ltd. in Uganda begins. Together with Wagagai Ltd., located directly on Lake Victoria (15 minutes away from Entebbe International Airport), bedding plants as well as all the poinsettias required within the Selecta Group are produced here on 19 ha. The excellent climatic conditions as well as the ideal logistic connections offer the best prerequisites for the production of high quality cuttings.

  29. Selecta launches the world novelty MiniFamous® Double Pink

    Selecta launches the world novelty MiniFamous® Double Pink! It is the first Calibrachoa with double flowers to be put on the market. This breeding sensation receives the distinction “Medal of Excellence” from the horticulture publication Greenhouse Grower.

  30. 2005
    Dr. Ulrich Sander is appointed to the Executive Board.

    The breeding activities, which had been limited in the early 80’s to two species, have now increased to more than 25 genera. Many of them belong to either the Shooting Stars or to market-leading assortments. Dr. Ulrich Sander, previously the divisional director for breeding and development, is appointed to the Executive Board.

  31. Selecta First Class, Inc. is founded in Encinitas

    Selecta First Class, Inc. is founded in Encinitas, California. SFC is responsible for all the distribution and marketing activities concerning bedding and potted plants intended for the North American market.

  32. 2000
    Introduction of MiniFamous®

    Introduction of MiniFamous®, the world’s most successful Calibrachoa series. This is a milestone in the development of a modern, efficient and innovative bedding and balcony plant assortment. In the same year, the cut flower programme expands for the first time - Gerbera are added to the product range.

  33. The company is handed over to the third generation of KPP

    The company is handed over to the third generation: Sons Christian, Nils and Per Klemm take over the management. Foundation of KPP (now Selecta Kenya) in Kenya, a production location for mother plants with a total area of 30 ha. Selecta takes over Stawest B.V., a Dutch competitor and producer of cut carnations and pot carnations.

  34. 1995
    Expansion of the production capacity on Tenerife

    Expansion of the production capacity on Tenerife by 4 ha.

  35. Foundation of Fleuralia S.A.U. in Spain

    Fleuralia S.A.U. (now Selecta Cut Flowers) is founded in Spain. This distribution company initially deals with the Spanish cut flower market. Furthermore, the company serves as a wholesaler for known breeders. Today, all cut flower activities are concentrated within this company.

  36. 1994
    Construction starts for a new head office

    Construction starts for a new head office at the location Stuttgart-Mühlhausen.The former headquarters in Stuttgart-Untertürkheim was closed the same year. Until now the headquartes of Selecta one is located in Stuttgart-Mühlhausen.

  37. Poinsettia and Impatiens New Guinea breeding begins

    Poinsettia and Impatiens New Guinea breeding begins. The expansion of breeding applications is an essential decision in Selecta’s development from a production business to a company that concentrates on breeding, production and distribution.

  38. 1986
    Foundation of Selecta Canarias on Tenerife and Selecta Pelargonium B.V.

    Foundation of Selecta Canarias on Tenerife, a production location consisting of 9 ha. In the meantime the location is specialized in SEE and EE as well as Solanacea. Selecta Pelargonium B.V. (now Selecta Holland B.V.) is founded in the Netherlands in order to manage the distribution activities for the markets in Benelux and Great Britain.

  39. Establishment of Selecta Italia in Latina

    Establishment of Selecta Italia in Latina (south of Rome) for the production of carnation cuttings. Today, this location combines the activities in the segments of bedding and pot plants for the South European as well as the Asian market.

  40. 1983
    Start of Pelargonium breeding

    Start of Pelargonium breeding. Pelargoniums are among the best selling products in the group.

  41. Family business with tradition

    The third generation (Nils und Per Klemm) starts training on the job.

  42. 1968
    Poinsettias are added to the product range

    Poinsettias are added to the product range. This crop is ranked number two worldwide as the main pillar in sales for flowering potted plants.

  43. Expansion of production area

    The production area gets expanded with building two greenhouses at the new location Stuttgart-Mühlhausen

  44. 1960
    Concentration on breeding and propagating carnations

    Siegfried Klemm enters the company and concentrates on breeding and propagating carnations. This is the foundation of today's company structure. In Israel, a cooperation starts where carnation young plants are produced.

  45. The development for an ornamental plant business begin

    Start of the cut flower production (carnations, freesias, chrysanthemums, irises and others). The developments for an ornamental plant business begin.

  46. 1932
    Start with the foundation of a vegetable business

    everything got its start with the foundation of a vegetable business in Stuttgart-Untertürkheim, established by Gustav Klemm. Vegetables were produced for the local market with the help of only a few employees on an area of 4,000 m².


Innovative sustainable propagation system

Selecta is launching a ground-breaking innovation: RCS 2.0. This is a propagation system in which cuttings are rooted offshore in special, biodegradable paper bags using little energy – and without any substrate.


Strengthening the breeding programme

The acquisition of Moraglia Breeding (IT) and Whetman Plants International (UK) strengthens Selecta's carnation breeding and thus our claim to be number one in Dianthus worldwide.


Pink Your Garden

We are breaking new ground with our new consumer marketing campaign for Pink Kisses. The twin sisters Jojo & Linn take over our social media channels and we follow how their garden becomes a pink oasis with Pink Kisses - true to the motto Pink your Garden.


Plants of the future

The Selecta Marketing concepts Planta Morgana and Nature Garden serve the most topical trends such as heat-resistant, drought-tolerant, and insect-friendly plants


New Imagefilm

Selecta provides an authentic, holistic and emotional insight into the company with a focus on the successful Pink Kisses® carnation.


New web presence

2022 has begun with the relaunch of the new Selecta one website. Fresher, more user-friendly, modern and of course responsive on all devices.


Selecta Flower Technology Hangzhou Co. officially registered in China

After many years of operating in China, Selecta was officially registered as Selecta Flower Technology Hangzhou Co. on 1 June 2021.


Webshop launch

Selecta one launches webshop and thus offers its customers for the first time the possibility to view and order the entire Selecta range online.


Expansion of the management board

With effect from 1 April 2019 our management board has been extended by an independent Research + Development (R+D) department. Dr. Andrea Dohm has accepted the appointment and expands the management board.


Acquisition of La Villetta s.r.l.

After a long partnership and trustful cooperation with La Villetta s.r.l. – one of the most innovative Italian firms that operates in the breeding, production and marketing of new varieties of carnation – we acquired their business including the complete breeding program as well as La Villetta Colombia Ltda. located in Colombia.


Complete integration of Selecta France S.A.S into the company group

We strengthen our presence on the French market by taking over the shares held by Challet-Hérault in the Selecta France S.A.S. joint venture, since its creation in 2017. This is the culmination of the integration process of the young plant business of Challet-Hérault in the Selecta one group.


TASPO Award 2018 for the Pink Kisses® campaign

We won the TASPO Award 2018 for our Pink Kisses campaign in the category “best offer for the next generation”! In 2017, we took a new approach with our Pink Kisses sales strategy. Instead of focussing purely on B2B marketing aimed at gardeners and resellers, we directly targeted end consumers for the first time, with our nationwide "Pink Kisses® – as beautiful as our friendship" campaign.


Purple Sun wins FleuroStar Award

Our Osteospermum Purple Sun could convince the judges in the Fleuroselect contest and has been awarded with the FleuroStar 2018/2019. Therewith, we won the coveted award for the variety with the 'wow' effect at point of sale for the second year in a row. Like the summer sun setting over the ocean, such is the colour play of our Osteospermum Purple Sun from the FlowerPower® line. Several shades of orange fade into a deep purple ring that surrounds the heart of the flower. Characteristics are the good branching and the easily controllable plant habit.


Acquisition of the Kalanchoe breeding from Topcolor Breeding vof

Going in line with the strategic extension of our product portfolio pot plants, we have acquired the assortment and breeding program of Topcolor Breeding vof, Holland. The genetic diversity of Topcolor´s breeding is highly interesting. The large gene pool will help us to develop the assortment program further to launch new attractive products into our worldwide markets.


Start of the project for fair Poinsettias

Since 2016, we supply Fairtrade certified young plants to our Poinsettia growers besides conventional ones. All our Poinsettias are sourced from Wagagai Ltd. in Uganda. In September 2017, we launched a project together with our cutting farm Wagagai Ltd. and Fairtrade to improve the wages of the employees: both partners will in the future refrain from placing certification costs and marketing costs of the Poinsettias on the selling price. By adding just a few cents to the price of the fairly traded cuttings a significant bonus can be generated on the back of the volume of Fairtrade sales. The bonus flows directly into Fairtrade bonus fund for the workers. This is true not only for 2017, but for every Poinsettia season.


PinkTastic® wins the Fleurostar Award

Our double flowering Calibrachoa PinkTastic® could convince the judges during the FlowerTrials® and has been awarded with the FleuroStar 2017/2018. PinkTastic® truly catches the eye thanks to two bicoloured pink-white circles of inner petals in each flower, which add to an in-depth colour perception. This excellent summer performer enjoys all the benefits of the MiniFamous® series.


Selecta France - new subsidiary in the Selecta Group

Selecta one has launched a new member in the Selecta one group. Selecta France is a joint venture between Selecta one and Challet-Hérault, best-known in France and a young plant and breeding company for 125 years. With this step we want to create a strong, independent and family owned and managed young plant supplier based in the heart of France.


Pink Kisses® communication campaign

For the first time Selecta one is launching a communication campaign directly aimed at the end-consumer in Germany. The campaign with the slogan “Pink Kisses® – as beautiful as our friendship” is aimed to the target group of young women aged 18 to 35.


Opening of the new site Selecta Hellas

The new production site Selecta Hellas is taking over the supply of young plants into the Italian market. It is located in Chrysoupoli, Greece, near the seaport Kavala and strategically perfectly nestled into the plains of Chrysoupoli


Night Sky wins the FleuroStar Award

The Petunia Night Sky wins the FleuroStar Award. The variety is characterized by a completely new and unique, spotted color pattern.


Per and Nils Klemm take over all company shares

The family members Per and Nils Klemm take over all company shares.


Certification of both Southern locations

Construction of a modern laboratory and office building in Stuttgart. Certification of both Southern locations Wagagai and Selecta Kenya with MPS-A, MPS GAP and MPS Socially Qualified.


Taspo Awards as “breeding of the year”

Selecta wins again the Taspo Awards with the new Calceolaria Calynopsis® as “breeding of the year”. Selecta Klemm completes a new trial greenhouse with 2500 m².


Medal of Excellence awards, Selecta Japan Ltd. is founded in Kyoto, achieve the Naktuinbouw Elite

Double flowering Osteospermum, introduced in the USA under the name 3D Osteospermum, win the Medal of Excellence awards in two categories (Industry's Choice Award und Editor's Choice Award). Selecta Japan Ltd. is founded in Kyoto. Selecta Klemm in Stuttgart and Selecta Canarias, our production location on Tenerife, achieve the Naktuinbouw Elite certification.


Launch of the labels “Clean Plant Guarantee” and “Fair First!”

New construction of greenhouses specialized for the production of Solanacea and SEE at our production site in Tenerife. Introduction of the worldwide first Osteospermum varieties with double flowers. The cut flower assortment has been enlarged by the species Gypsophila. The patent protection in the USA for the methods for breeding Calibrachoa plants having double flowers got approved. Launch of the labels “Clean Plant Guarantee” and “Fair First!” as a result of being successfully certified according to the standars of MPS-Socially Qualified and MPS-GAP.


Agreement with the U.S. market

Agreement with the U.S. market leader Ball Horticulture regarding an exclusive partnership for the North American market in the area of ornamental plants. The function of the US distribution company is taken over by Ball. The location in Tenerife focuses on Solanaceae. This specialisation offers our customers considerable surpluses.


Foundation of Selecta Colombia Ltda.

Foundation of Selecta Colombia Ltda., a subsidiary of Selecta Cut Flowers. Customer contacts and service are optimised with this establishment. Furthermore, additional expansions in one of the world’s most significant cut flower markets are actively promoted.


Joint venture with Wagagai Ltd. in Uganda begins

Joint venture with Wagagai Ltd. in Uganda begins. Together with Wagagai Ltd., located directly on Lake Victoria (15 minutes away from Entebbe International Airport), bedding plants as well as all the poinsettias required within the Selecta Group are produced here on 19 ha. The excellent climatic conditions as well as the ideal logistic connections offer the best prerequisites for the production of high quality cuttings.


Selecta launches the world novelty MiniFamous® Double Pink

Selecta launches the world novelty MiniFamous® Double Pink! It is the first Calibrachoa with double flowers to be put on the market. This breeding sensation receives the distinction “Medal of Excellence” from the horticulture publication Greenhouse Grower.


Dr. Ulrich Sander is appointed to the Executive Board.

The breeding activities, which had been limited in the early 80’s to two species, have now increased to more than 25 genera. Many of them belong to either the Shooting Stars or to market-leading assortments. Dr. Ulrich Sander, previously the divisional director for breeding and development, is appointed to the Executive Board.


Selecta First Class, Inc. is founded in Encinitas

Selecta First Class, Inc. is founded in Encinitas, California. SFC is responsible for all the distribution and marketing activities concerning bedding and potted plants intended for the North American market.


Introduction of MiniFamous®

Introduction of MiniFamous®, the world’s most successful Calibrachoa series. This is a milestone in the development of a modern, efficient and innovative bedding and balcony plant assortment. In the same year, the cut flower programme expands for the first time - Gerbera are added to the product range.


The company is handed over to the third generation of KPP

The company is handed over to the third generation: Sons Christian, Nils and Per Klemm take over the management. Foundation of KPP (now Selecta Kenya) in Kenya, a production location for mother plants with a total area of 30 ha. Selecta takes over Stawest B.V., a Dutch competitor and producer of cut carnations and pot carnations.


Expansion of the production capacity on Tenerife

Expansion of the production capacity on Tenerife by 4 ha.


Foundation of Fleuralia S.A.U. in Spain

Fleuralia S.A.U. (now Selecta Cut Flowers) is founded in Spain. This distribution company initially deals with the Spanish cut flower market. Furthermore, the company serves as a wholesaler for known breeders. Today, all cut flower activities are concentrated within this company.


Construction starts for a new head office

Construction starts for a new head office at the location Stuttgart-Mühlhausen.The former headquarters in Stuttgart-Untertürkheim was closed the same year. Until now the headquartes of Selecta one is located in Stuttgart-Mühlhausen.


Poinsettia and Impatiens New Guinea breeding begins

Poinsettia and Impatiens New Guinea breeding begins. The expansion of breeding applications is an essential decision in Selecta’s development from a production business to a company that concentrates on breeding, production and distribution.


Foundation of Selecta Canarias on Tenerife and Selecta Pelargonium B.V.

Foundation of Selecta Canarias on Tenerife, a production location consisting of 9 ha. In the meantime the location is specialized in SEE and EE as well as Solanacea. Selecta Pelargonium B.V. (now Selecta Holland B.V.) is founded in the Netherlands in order to manage the distribution activities for the markets in Benelux and Great Britain.


Establishment of Selecta Italia in Latina

Establishment of Selecta Italia in Latina (south of Rome) for the production of carnation cuttings. Today, this location combines the activities in the segments of bedding and pot plants for the South European as well as the Asian market.


Start of Pelargonium breeding

Start of Pelargonium breeding. Pelargoniums are among the best selling products in the group.


Family business with tradition

The third generation (Nils und Per Klemm) starts training on the job.


Poinsettias are added to the product range

Poinsettias are added to the product range. This crop is ranked number two worldwide as the main pillar in sales for flowering potted plants.


Expansion of production area

The production area gets expanded with building two greenhouses at the new location Stuttgart-Mühlhausen


Concentration on breeding and propagating carnations

Siegfried Klemm enters the company and concentrates on breeding and propagating carnations. This is the foundation of today's company structure. In Israel, a cooperation starts where carnation young plants are produced.


The development for an ornamental plant business begin

Start of the cut flower production (carnations, freesias, chrysanthemums, irises and others). The developments for an ornamental plant business begin.


Start with the foundation of a vegetable business

everything got its start with the foundation of a vegetable business in Stuttgart-Untertürkheim, established by Gustav Klemm. Vegetables were produced for the local market with the help of only a few employees on an area of 4,000 m².

Our sites